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Your guide to being a good digital citizen | Temple Now

Use more than one search engine. Another part of being a responsible digital citizen is being aware of where your information comes from. While your go-to search engine might be Google, you should keep other search engines in mind when obtaining information. “Consider using anonymous search engines such as Startpage, DuckDuckGo and Swisscows ...

Acres of Diamonds | Temple University

Acres of Diamonds. This is Russell Conwell's famous "Acres of Diamonds" speech—and the inspiration for the university's mission. I am astonished that so many people should care to hear this story over again. Indeed, this lecture has become a study in psychology; it often breaks all rules of oratory, departs from the precepts of rhetoric, and ...

What is a Federal Clerkship? - Voices at Temple

A few months later, after interviews with a number of judges, I landed a clerkship for 2014-15 with the Honorable William H. Yohn, Jr., a federal district court judge here in Philadelphia. I was ecstatic—not just about the chance to clerk but about the chance to clerk for Judge Yohn.

Which, When, and How: Hierarchical Clustering with Human–Machine ...

The number of questions a machine can ask is limited by a fixed budget, due to the cost of human computations. We are interested in the machine’s strategy on handling the ... Here, we use the MAX merging strategy [10], which defines the distance of two clusters as the distance between the furthest two data points that are respectively in ...

Phrasal Verbs and Prepositional Phrases - Student Success Center

Here “break” and “with” are not a phrasal verb. “With a baseball bat” is a prepositional ... ask over, do over by: stand by around: come around, fool around with: end up with, follow through with, get through with, get together with at: into: talk into down: calm down, close down, burn down, let down behind: fall behind

Submissions -

If you have a project that you would like to submit to the Press, you can send your proposal and sample materials directly to the editor responsible for acquiring in your field. If you have any questions about which editor would be most appropriate for your project, please contact Nikki Miller, Editorial Assistant. Aaron Javsicas. Editor-in-Chief.

Essentials of Behavioral Research: Methods and Data Analysis (3rd edition)

Abstract. The only comprehensive treatment of methods and data analysis, this classic advanced undergraduate/graduate text in research methods requires statistics as a prerequisite. The first half of the text concentrates on research methods and the second half introduces students to advanced statistical procedures.